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If you are looking for a fun game to do with your friends or family on New Year’s Eve we have you covered. I love getting together with loved ones on New Year’s Eve and celebrating the year to come and reminiscing the year that is ending. This printable New Year’s Eve Game of Scattegories is the perfect way to do just that.
If you have never played regular Scattegories it is pretty simple. You have a list of prompts and then all of your answers must begin with that letter. You cannot duplicate the answer someone else gives or you cancel each other out. The person to have the most answers wins. That is the simple version, there are more detailed rules that you can choose to use or not (such as can people challenge a creative answer, can you use the same answer twice on the same list, etc).
New Year’s Eve Game – Scattegories Game Play
This version could be played the same way, but we have changed it up a little bit. Instead of rolling a new letter for each list, we have the same list with 4 different letters (that spell out year… how cute right?).
Simply give all your guests the list upside down, have them turn them over and at the same time, and go. Decide on a time limit before the game starts. I think 3-4 minutes is good but you may want to go up to 5 minutes. Then have everyone share their answers. The person with the most answers wins.
Free Printable Scattegories Game for New Year’s Eve
Now you can print out your free Scattegories game for New Year’s Eve. Just a reminder that these games are for personal use only. Download and Print your copy here